Starcraft 2 Cheats

To those who simply want to be GODLIKE in SC2, refer to the following cheats below:

When using cheats, achievements are disabled. To enable achievements again, start a new game or load a saved game.

Cheat Codes

* EyeOfSauron - Lets you view any cinematic [Must be used from outside of a mission (in the Hyperion, etc)]
* IAmIronman - Upgrades Weapons, Armor and Shields by 1.
* JaynesTown - Grants more Terrazine
* MoreDotsMoreDots - Disable Cost checking
* RealMenDrillDeep - Grants 5,000 Vespene Gas
* SoSayWeAll - Disables tech requirements
* TerribleTerribleDamage - God mode
* TyuHasLeftTheGame - Disable victory conditions
* WhySoSerious - Gives 5,000,000 credits
