RF Online PH: Server Merge?

Server merge rumors have been mulling for the past 3 months now, and yet there are no concrete advisories from Level Up Games.

Usually when there is smoke, there is fire. And the new string of rumors is now again spreading like wildfire once again.When will this happen? If it’s bound to happen; we can never know until Level Up concocts solid statements.

Some say that we are bound for a surprise in February. I say February aint a surprise since we are bound to have explosions indoors and outdoors come February 14. Gents, better book VC early, since all of them will be full on that date. wink wink..

Anyways, my apologies for the virtual none post. The past 2 months have been, should I say “busy” in a way. Apart from work, my phone (yes my cheap android phone and its constant tweaks), I have been trying to shed weight. Yeah, I am fat, and I badly need to shed weight since my feet are now killing me. I am that heavy. And for those who want to know, I weigh at 73 kilos. Yes, that is 1 and a half sack of rice. Boooo!!! Fatty!!Jogging and martial arts will be my new hobby. I will still be posting some stuff here though.

Anyhow, does any one of you know where I can find / buy a Muk Yan Jong in Metro Manila?

Leave a comment below if you know anything.

