A Corrite Omicron Experience

So okay, I came to test the waters of Omicron.

All the basic stuff like the basic low-level sensation and experience were there. It was rather nostalgic and kind of brings me back to the days when Nexus initially came to play.

All I could see was lowbies running around with their scantily clad diapers on. Sorry no pun intended, really; compared to the regular armors, your basic armors are like diapers.

With all the low level avatars running round, mixing themselves with level thirtyish avatars in the HQ map, population density was like 1 corrite per 4 square units in novus.

Wow, I have never seen this many corrites before. Not even in Praxis, where Cora was in total domination in the it’s initial offering. It really did not compare. No wonder Omicron is always in the over department when it came to server status.

Since all of omicron is relative in the caveman stages, everything was dirt cheap. Teleportation Potions are sold at 250 K Disena. A dime or a nickel compared to 2-5 Million in the establish servers.

Ether will be swarmed with farmers again and again and again.

Okay; Nuff with the lowbie talk.

As I was wandering around and getting myself to level up the slow way, I came across familiar names. A lot of names were from accretian avatars in Elixus, as well as bellato shorties. Kind of make me laugh when a lot of them are quite puzzled how "the dark forces" work. These are actual season players and yet they do not have a freaking clue and to where and what everything was all about. There were tons of questions as to what to do with their animus and such.

In the advent of it all, I saw a lot of summoners and arch magus characters running around. The warrior numbers were a little low though. Kind of make me think, do these guys really want to establish a rock solid avatar?

Why do I say that. Well let me blurt it out.

1. Faust are rather weak in this stage due to the lack of warrior support and equipment. Plus summons are hard to level with all the competition.

2. Arch Magus are weak offensively and defensively due to same reasons above minus the summons.

3. Marksmen are way too vulnerable and will be treated like matchstick in the crag mines. Plus ammo is very expensive and takes a lot of bag space.

4. Black knights are not that tough but they can live on, but they lack the damage to pl alone effectively.

Yeah, if you’re really smart you would invest in tough avatar with force to boot. I bet your thinking zealots.

Sorry but your dead wrong, I was talking about cross class avatars. Initially they are hard to level due to the lack of class skills but force and your regular skills compensate. Plus you need not involve yourself in the cpt and currency acquisition frenzies in farming grounds.

My plan is once I get my avatar to level 40, it’s all ok. All I need is to sleep snugly in my bed while my character burns the midnight candle leveling force buffs to be sold in exorbitantly insane prices.

Yes, I am pure evil. I am the epitome of arms dealer.

With the scarcity of the commodities prices reach the clouds. Even Maslow with be proud. <- insert ebul laugh here >

Everything will be worth more than gold!!!

… To be continued.
