WTF! RF Online Novus Rising Crit Error!

Ok, So I’m all excited since the RF Online PH is patching with Novus Rising. I was minding my own business on Friday, skimming through the usual routine Internet pages.
I came to realize as soon as I was reading the fine print on Level Up Games on RF Online patch update announcement that the patch will be implemented on April 24.

Ampopo!!! It was already April 23 and I had no installer yet. I was no where near the full installer. Ok Panic mode…..

Ok, since the freaking torrent was so slow due to the number of seeds, I decided to go for the direct download. Sure enough it was faster. Anyways fast forward 9 hours later of downloading. ( Pardon me, my DSL subscription is only at 512 ), the installer was download unto my HDD.

So ok, I say to myself, what now? It was already 4 AM and I was leveling my Dekan in Rohan online. So I say to myself, lemme wait till when the patch is implemented.

Another fast forward 20 hours later, still the server was not yet up.

Geez!! Ok, I have waiting more than a year for this, what is a few more days going to do?

To cut it short I was playing Rohan Online till 4 AM this morning. Woke up at 10 AM and jumped right in front of my PC. Ok, RF Time.

WTF!!!!!!! Crit error!! Ok. I browsed the forums only to find out that there where tons of people there having the same problem. They say it was a problem with the OS.

Not believing an crap that was thrown towards me, I investigated. I loaded my old RF files back to my PC and used No_Patch.exe to see if it really was a problem with my files. I also looked at my Net log files and found that the problem was with the RFonline.bin file.

When I loaded the no patch.exe file and it was able to load to the point where Fireguard should be asking for the password. So I believe that the cause of the problem, as usual would be the loading video that has been a problem before.

Anyways, I will let LUG work on it. In the meantime, I will be playing Rohan PH.
